
Kidzee Preschool, Kherki Daula, Gurugram 1058 views


Kidzee Preschool, Kherki Daula, Gurugram has posted 2 jobs

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Kidzee Preschool, Kherki Daula, Gurugram


About Us

About Kidzee

A pioneer in ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education), we are the largest preschool chain in Asia. With an incredible network of more than 1900+ centers in over 750+ cities, we are committed to spearheading child development across the nation. Having touched the lives of more than 9,00,000 children in India, Kidzee, a decade on, remains focussed on nurturing the ‘unique potential’ in every child.

Child Development & Education

With years of dedicated research, Kidzee has set unparalleled standards in the CDE (Child Development & Education) space. Having acknowledged the uniqueness of each child and their infinite potential. Kidzee has is its proprietary pedagogy, ‘iLLUME’, India’s one and only University-verified preschool curriculum.

Interactive iLLUME

iLLUME, the best-in-class, child-centric, self-paced learning mechanism, synergizes the role of parents and teachers to enable children discover their innate talents and abilities through love of learning.


Schools Hiring is basically a job portal that deals with the job openings in the standard formal Schools and Preschools of India.

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