

The Cost of School Branded Uniforms

School uniforms have become an integral part of education systems worldwide. The idea of school uniforms is to create a sense of belonging, discipline, and equality among students. However, the cost of school uniforms, especially school-branded uniforms, has been a point of concern for many parents and students. The cost of school-branded uniforms varies widely depending on the school, the

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Smartphones and Mental Wellbeing for Pupils in Schools

The impact of smartphones on mental wellbeing for pupils in schools is a complex issue that has been the subject of much debate and research. On one hand, smartphones can be a useful tool for communication, learning, and social interaction. On the other hand, excessive smartphone use can have negative effects on mental health and wellbeing, such as addiction, anxiety,

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Unlocking the Power of Cognitive Science

Cognitive science is a fascinating and interdisciplinary field that studies the way the brain works, how we learn and process information, and how we think and reason. As a teacher, understanding some of the key insights from cognitive science can help you create more effective lesson plans and improve your teaching strategies. One important area of cognitive science for teachers

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Things To Do Before End of Term

As the end of the term approaches, it’s important to start thinking about all the things you need to do before you can officially call it quits for the semester. Whether you’re a student or a teacher, there are always a few loose ends to tie up before you can truly enjoy your time off. In this blog post, we’ll

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The Future of Education: Trends and Developments to Watch

As the world continues to change at an ever-accelerating pace, education is facing a number of challenges and opportunities. Here are some of the key trends and developments that are shaping the future of education: Technology: Technology is rapidly transforming the way we learn, and it’s likely that this trend will continue. Online learning platforms, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence

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Research on Implementing EdTech in Schools

How do school leaders successfully implement education technology, manage the costs, and evaluate the impact? “If school and college leaders are looking for the latest research on implementing edtech, here it is. There’s no need for schools to follow a ‘PC World’ approach …” The Department for Education has published research and analysis on the Implementation of Education Technology in

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5 Tips To Support Whole School Development

How effective is your setting at supporting whole school professional development? Supporting Individual’s CPD Continuous Professional Development (CPD), is a crucial dimension of any professional career. Teaching staff are obliged to undertake five statutory days of CPD, in recognition of the ever-changing and challenging educational landscape. Most schools and Academy Trusts will plan a significant amount of the content of

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Assisting disadvantaged pupils over Christmas

What is the cost of Christmas at your school? “With charges increasing and standards of dwelling an ongoing concern for lots of families, many are involved in Christmas. What can schools do to assist deprived scholars over the festive period?” Christmas can be a challenging time for many of us. Figuring out what to shop for humans, organizing festivities, and

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Research: Schools Today, Schools Tomorrow

How can current viewpoints on education support schools moving forward? “Ultimate Thursday, I had the pride of attending a person’s launch event to find out more about their maximum recent studies venture, ‘faculty document 2022.’ this document culminates present-day perspectives of education in India for 2022 and past …” About the research Pearson wanted to commission a national consultant survey

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