Cancellation of exams 2021 – Exams have always been the issues for students though deep inside we all know how important and useful they are for one to grow, analyze, examine and to boost the motivation.
As it has been declared cbse exams are cancelled due to the pandemic.
This what the Prime Minister said:
“Health and safety of our students is of utmost importance and there would be no compromise on this aspect.”
“Anxiety among students, parents and teachers which must be put to an end. Students should not be forced to appear for exams in such a stressful situation.”
What you think it’s the right decision to cancel the exams instead of postpone?
In my opinion it’s NO, 10th and 12th board exams are valued by a person in their entire life.Like so many students who don’t even afford the mobile phones, PCs, laptops have somehow managed to study through online basis also I feel pity for the students who have difficulties coping up with online procedure of studies, at times they are not familiar with complete online procedures of online based education, they hardly use them for solving their problems, difficulties and now they have to get completely dependent on it.They probably wouldn’t have been able to perform best in online procedures. Now news for cancellation of exams is like a nightmare for students who have sincerely made efforts and wanted to give their best in board exams. With this educators have also managed to perform work from home while managing home with work as teaching is a full time and devotional job, because deep inside we all know work from home is not that easy to handle own kids with students on online platforms.
It’s a vivid fact that the situation right now is highly unfavorable for conduction of exams by all means, but my opinion is that postponement of the exams with a very clear idea of until when they wouldn’t be able to conduct it so that the students don’t stress out about the date, would be the most ideal solution because there are so many who want to give their best shot in the boards. Besides that, entrances have to be conducted anyway, so the students have to keep revising these portions until then that would mean revising board portions also then why not postpone boards and conduct it prior to the entrance dates. I hope that this side of the situation is also heard by all, and not just the side wanting cancellation of boards.
Instead of cancelling board exams, following ways could be adopted for scheduling exams:
1. Question paper could be prepared following multiple choices question pattern.
2. Student should assign projects or assignments which could carry some markings.
3. Paper pattern could be prepared like containing MCQs, short answers, viva and practical assignments through Google forms.
4. Open books exams can be conducted.
Now the exams have been canceled so I would better suggest students to involve themselves in further studies and extra learning and enhancing themselves with e-learning courses on platform like Coursea and Internshala, which would help them in gaining certificates. These certificates and practical knowledge will help them a lot at times of admission that they have done something productive with studies.Same with educators they could also learns new things and new teaching online techniques and embrace their knowledge regarding their subjects.
I am not a teacher, but an awakener.”
The message: Any teacher can awaken a student’s belief in them. Frost encourages the idea of inspiring curiosity and sparking the desire for knowing in students. As a teacher, you are the best guide for your students in the move towards this kind of illumination. Get students curious about discovering knowledge for themselves, and focus on their interests and inherent skills and natural talents.
By Ruchika pareek