Pack Your Bag Kids! Schools to Reopen – The most significant aspect of any civilization is education, and the Covid-19 pandemic has severely impacted this aspect along with destroying all pillars of the Indian Economy. Presently, when we are trying to overcome the effects of a year-long lockdown, we are also waiting for the Indian govt to reopen the standard schools of India. This article brings good news we all were waiting for so long. Yes, the schools are going to reopen in the month of November.
Continue reading to learn all details about Schools Reopening in India
Two major Indian states, Andhra Pradesh and Assam have allowed their students to return on campus from November 2. It is a clear sign that the unlocking of schools has begun, and all other states are also going to announce their opening dates in the same month.
School Reopening Date
The reopening of schools and colleges is a question that doesn’t really offer a simple answer. The Government announced that schools will reopen on November 16.
It has been nearly eight months since when India Government announced the first phase of the national lockdown to minimize the spread of Corona Virus. All the schools and colleges in India were closed for students. Since then, students are taking online classes to continue their assigned syllabus. This has heralded sweeping changes in the functioning of educational institutions and the evolution of teaching and learning.
Ministry of Education on the reopening of schools
Debates on when the educational institutions in the country can reopen began around June. However, the ministry of education issued guidelines for the reopening of schools in a graded manner in the month of October.
Soon after, the state of Tamil Nadu gave a direction to schools to hold consultations with the parents of students and the representatives in the month of November to seek their feedback based on which, the authorities are expected to announce a final date.
Major Changes in Education System after the Reopening of Schools
The community spread of this deadly virus has somehow decreased, but children can become super-spreaders of viral infections. Children are returning to school after eight-month, and it is no like their summer or winter vacations after which they can continue their previous routine. The fear of the virus cannot be overlooked after the reopening of schools.
The school authorities as well as the parents will have to be more than extra cautious after reopening. The teachers and students however will have to work hard to cover their syllabus and to compensate for the previous eight months.
Is it the correct time to reopen schools?
There are different opinions on this topic and the debate is not over yet. However, we cannot overlook that education is one of the priorities for India. There are many benefits of reopening schools after a long duration of lockdown. As schools are opening up, many districts figure out a strategic plan to allow students to attend school and learn.
For students with learning styles such as kinaesthetic learners, they can only learn after interacting with other students and teachers. They might have forgotten most of the syllabus in lockdown. The reopening in schools will help them cover up the loss. It will allow them to have a face to face interaction.