A preschool, also known as nursery school, pre-primary school, playschool or kindergarten, is an educational establishment or learning space offering early childhood education to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school. It may be publicly or privately operated and may be subsidized from public funds. Preschool generally runs between the hours of 9:00 am and 12:00 pm similar to school hours although this may vary by state and by service. Pre–K is a foundational year for children because there they learn the basics of their life; it provides initial exposure to schools and sets the tone for their educational career. They develop certain feelings, prescriptions and ideas about schools.
Good Pre-K schools lead children to:-
· They effectively build student’s self-regulation skills.
· Pre-K classrooms engage student’s natural curiosity and creativity.
· Everything in Pre-K is education focused not outcome focused.
· It basically helps in nurturing creativity.
Several questions arise when we talk about preschool:-
1. Is it okay to skip preschool?
2. Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
3. What are the advantages/disadvantages of preschool?
When we talk about sending kids to schools, most of the parents behave like it’s not that important to send a kid in pre-schools or the kid’s age is not appropriate for school or how he would adjust in a new environment. But deep inside we all know how important is Pre-kindergarten where a child learns to open up with the outer environment, what parents are unable to teach, Environment of Preschools, educators, friends teach well by activities followed in school. They will learn cause and effect. Your child will develop large and fine motor skills. They will learn through play and play to learn.
In my opinion there is no disadvantage of sending kids to preschool because preschools provide a place to play, to speak, to learn, to grow and if your child doesn’t have anyone to play with, if you are not allowing your child to explore the world then you should definitely send your child to preschool.
Pre-schools allow your child to do painting, drawing, gluing And of course knowing how to deal with and recognize different emotions within themselves and others.
The kindergarten study released, as part of a major annual federal report on the well-being of children and families, showed that those who had some pre-school experience the year before primary studies at a child care center or a home-based program with a non-relative did better on math and reading assessments than the 15 percent who were cared for by a relative and the 21 percent who were at home with parents.
What do children learn in pre-primary/kindergarten schools?
Your child continues to develop a wide range of skills in kindergarten, including physical, social, emotional, language and literacy, and thinking (cognitive) skills. The children are given absolute freedom to explore and exercise their thoughts.Another area of development is to encourage fine motor skills—or use of the hands. Pre-schools tend to focus more on such kind of activities:-
- paste things onto paper
- clap hands
- touch fingers
- button and unbutton
- work a zipper
- build a tower of 10 blocks
- complete puzzles with five or more pieces
- manipulate pencils and crayons well enough to color and draw
- copy a circle or cross onto a piece of paper
- cut out simple shapes with safety scissors
Pre-schools with day care or child care centers
The proverb, “it takes a village to raise a child,” is no joke.
What happens when you are working and live in a nuclear family?
What happens when you suddenly have to work late and can’t pick up the kids?
What happens when your kid throws up at school, you’re in the middle of a meeting with the higher-ups, and can’t bail to go get your child?
What if your child has an end-of-year recital and you can’t be there because you’re on a work trip?
What happens when it’s school vacation week and the kids are home, but you didn’t draw the straw to have that week off from work this year?
Those are just a few examples of the scenarios working parents face as they scramble to figure out child care.
Day care refers to the care provided for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children, either in their own homes, in the home of a relative or other caregiver, or in a center-based facility.
Some of the advantages of center-based care are:
- The staff are trained and supervised.
- There are more resources and equipment available.
- Care is still available when a staff member is absent.
- The centers are more likely to be licensed and subject to state regulation.
- Children in center-based care demonstrate slightly better cognitive development than those cared for in homes, possibly because they have more opportunities to interact with other children and are exposed to more learning materials. So, Now I guess I have cleared the view of pre-schools and day boarding. Pre-schools and child care centres are helping hand for both kid and parent.
When one teaches, two learn
Robert Heinlein
By Ruchika pareek
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