As per the Indian Constitution getting proper basic education is the bright right of each and every individual. It is always taught to a child that education is a key element for getting ready to lead a happy and successful life. Education always plays an impartial role, no matter boy or girl, rich or poor, color, caste, creed etc. It is the basic right of an individual to gain education and also the right of government to ensure that no one should leg behind.
To maintain the same interest and motivation, small improvements/amendments have been done in the education system since it came into existence, but on 29 July, 2020. A big step has been taken: “the new national education policy” came into existence after replacing the earlier one. The change is made after a gap of 34 years because the change was necessary and the need for the time should have been made earlier. In March 2020 the COVID-19 crisis disrupted many sectors, including the educational area and I believe the education sector was the one which suffered the most as there were no plans for pre-schools and formal schools.
Later on, after several discussions the government decided that the earlier system of education was basically focused on learning in giving results.
The students were judged by the marks obtained. This was a unidirectional approach to development.
New education policy visualizes the formation of a new curriculum and structure of education which will help the students at the different stages of learning. It aims at all round development of the student.
Advantages of the New Education Policy 2020:
- The new education policy focuses on the integrated development of the learners.
- It replaces the 10+2 system with 5+3+3+4 structure, which states 12 years of schooling and 3 years of pre-schooling, thus kids with the experience of schooling at an earlier stage.
- The examinations will be conducted in 3, 5, and 8th grades only, others will go for the regular assessments. Board exams will also be made easier and, and held twice in a year so that each child gets two attempts.
- The students will have the freedom to select the course they desire to learn along with the course subjects, thus promoting skill development.
- The government will be setting up new ways of research and innovations at the university and college level by setting NRF (National Research Foundation)
Disadvantages of the New Education Policy 2020:-
- The implementation of the language i.e. the teaching up to 5th grade to be continued in the regional languages is the utmost problem. The child will be taught in a regional language and therefore will have less approach towards the English language, which is required after completing 5th grade.
· Kids have been subject to structural learning, which might increase the burden on their small minds.
· There was no proper rule or guideline which focuses on pre-schools (playgroup to 5th class).
Teacher’s Education and Recruitment
- The 4-year integrated B.Ed. The programme made it essential for teaching.
- There must be workshops organized for the training of the teachers regarding various teaching aids.
- Transparency in recruiting processes of teachers as teachers are at a centralized role for the development of students.
“Change is the end result of all true learning.” But what happens when learning in itself goes through a sudden change?
Among many casualties of COVID-19, there is also the demise of the traditional classrooms. While online courses have existed even before the pandemic, they served a different purpose to learners,
Social distancing guidelines and lockdowns, however, have made online classrooms the primary source of educational instruction for students of all ages. Education is meant to be passed through human connection through sharing personal experiences.
But like every coin has two sides, there are bright aspects to this transition as well, which cannot be ignored. Online education has their share of perks. It offers ‘flexibility’ as you can learn at your own pace with the help of recorded videos. It also caters to your comfort level and enables you to study from your home. It is also amusing to see that online education is becoming an affordable affair for lots of people who spend tons of money on daily commuting, baby sitters, food consumption as it saves lots of these expenses.
People who are just starting their teaching career are usually eager to get into the classroom. You don’t want to let that enthusiasm fade away. Connect with schools hiring to build strong networks in the future.
The most popular job boards and professional networks, such as Indeed and LinkedIn, are usually good candidate sources. But if you want to narrow down your audience and reach out to people who are specifically looking for teaching jobs, it’s best to register with www.schoolshiring.com
You can promote your open role on www.schoolshiring.com to make your recruiting life easier, and we have all compiled a list of the best teachers for you.
Finally, remember that no matter how bad the storm is, it will always pass. The author Barbara Brown Taylor writes,
“I give thanks for even the semi-terrible things that have happened to me since they have shown me what is real. They have made me tell the truth. They have quashed all my illusions of control, leaving me no choice but to receive my life as an unmitigated gift.”